Thursday, November 18, 2010

ED 505- Blog Reviews

This is my last ED 505 assignment, besides the final!!  Woohoo!  For this assignment, we had to review four blogs from this website

Kinderkids-Kindergarten Blog

I picked this blog because I teach kindergarten, and I wanted to see all the cute things and ideas I could borrow. The blog itself is very colorful and stimulating. It’s also very neatly organized. I loved how see not only used pictures to display the students’ work, but she used videos. There is one activity I will be using next year in my classroom. It was the Apple Project for a unit on Johnny Appleseed. Click here to see the project.
Mrs. Poulin's Blog

This blog is fabulous! I love how the teacher updates the blog every week. It’s such a great tool for parents to use to keep up with what their children are doing in school. The teacher posts her weekly newsletters on the blog. Click here to view one of the newsletters. 

Mrs. Nessman's Grade Ones

A great idea that I’d love to start in my classroom is her “Photographer of the Day.” That’s such a great way to capture moments in the classroom. If I ever have a class blog, this is what mine would look like! Wow, such a cute and simple blog! The first thing that I caught my eye was all the pictures of the childrens’ work. And one project really stood out. I love art and craft projects. “Our Plump and Perky Turkeys” is such a great project for students to complete during the month of November. Click here to see the students’ creative turkeys!

Mr. P. Teach Tech

When I saw this blog was for a technology class, I though as soon as I clicked on it, I would be blown away with awesome graphics, sounds, etc. I was very disappointed. The homepage was very bland and boring. And when I clicked on the different grade levels, I was hoping for a change. The only thing on the blog were websites.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Not on the Test

What a great video! So many times, teachers in public schools are drilled to "teach the test" because the school wants to meet AYP and have good standing! Also, just like to video says, teachers feel that the students' scores are their scores! No wonder teachers everywhere are teaching the test... who would want to be looked down upon for a failing grade? And because so many teachers are "teaching the test", the creative arts are being taken away from students... because it's not on the test! What is your reply to this video? Do you agree that teachers should "teach the test" and nothing else?

Whole Brain Teaching: Kindergarten (Expanded!)

This teacher is beyond fabulous! She has such a wonderful teaching style! She uses both verbal and physical cues for the students to understand and know what is going on. I love all of her little "sayings" she uses. Her method of teaching seems to keep the students involved and attentive. Would you use this style of teaching in your classroom? Do you think the pace is too fast for some students?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

All About Me

Hello!  My name is Katie Linder.  I grew up in the small town of Butler, Alabama.  I was raised in a traditional household with two older brothers.  I attended a private school, Patrician Academy, in Butler from K-4 to 12th grade.  The University of Alabama is where I chose to further my education.  I graduated in December of 2009 with a bachelors degree in Early Childhood Special Education.  I took a job as a first grade teacher at Patrician as soon as I graduated.  In order for me to stay at Patrician, I have to receive a masters degree in Elementary Education.  So, that's where I'm at right now... the University of West Alabama.  I am currently teaching twenty-three Kindergarteners at P.A. 
I was married to my best friend in April, and I still can't seem to get use to the new last name.  We are avid Alabama fans, so this is our favorite time of the year!  We are the proud parents of a beautiful kitty cat named Lewis.  I enjoy being outdoors and spending time with my family, especially with my eight month old  nephew, Patton.