Hello! My name is Katie Linder. I grew up in the small town of Butler, Alabama. I was raised in a traditional household with two older brothers. I attended a private school, Patrician Academy, in Butler from K-4 to 12th grade. The University of Alabama is where I chose to further my education. I graduated in December of 2009 with a bachelors degree in Early Childhood Special Education. I took a job as a first grade teacher at Patrician as soon as I graduated. In order for me to stay at Patrician, I have to receive a masters degree in Elementary Education. So, that's where I'm at right now... the University of West Alabama. I am currently teaching twenty-three Kindergarteners at P.A.
I was married to my best friend in April, and I still can't seem to get use to the new last name. We are avid Alabama fans, so this is our favorite time of the year! We are the proud parents of a beautiful kitty cat named Lewis. I enjoy being outdoors and spending time with my family, especially with my eight month old nephew, Patton.